Publication Guideline

Authors Guidelines

Authors must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Authors submit their manuscripts truthfully and comprehensively.
  2. Authors should balance intellectual contributions to the conception, design, analysis, and writing of the manuscript against other work concerning the research.
  3. Authors must declare that the work reported is their own and that they are the copyright owner (or else have obtained the copyright owner’s permission).
  4. Authors must state that the manuscript submitted has never been published and is not considered for publication elsewhere. We will reject the manuscript if we find multiple submissions to another publisher.
  5. Authors have competence or qualifications in field, in line with our focus and scope. Papers may deal with literary, sociological, historical, economic, and cultural texts, events, theories, practices and methodologies in relation to what is broadly called “Island Studies”. Theoretical and Methodological, Historical Significance, Analytical Focus.
  6. All errors discovered in the manuscript after submission must be quickly communicated to the editorial board.
  7. Any conflict of interest must be clearly stated.

Editor Guidelines

Editor must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Editors must review all submitted manuscripts transparently, objectively, neutrally, and professionally regardless of business interests, gender, religion, ethnicity, race, and nationality.
  2. Editors must mediate all exchanges between authors and peer reviewers during peer review.
  3. Editors should encourage peer reviewers to consider ethical issues raised by the research they are reviewing.
  4. Editors must ensure peer-reviewers understand the provisions and the manuscript review process clearly.
  5. Editors must encourage peer-reviewers to decline peer-review requests if they identify a conflict of interest with the manuscript.
  6. Editors should reserve the right to reject manuscripts if there is a doubt about whether appropriate procedures have been followed.
  7. Editors must keep any information related to the rights and privacy of the author properly.
  8. Editors adhere to the points of publication ethics above to avoid conflicts of interest.

Reviewer Guidelines

Reviewer must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. All manuscripts are reviewed fairly based on the intellectual content of the paper regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenry, or political values of the authors.
  2. Reviewers assigned to a manuscript will evaluate the originality and importance of the study, strengths and weaknesses of the data analysis, the degree to which the findings justify the conclusion, validity of the manuscript’s references, citation and relevance, usefulness, and comprehensibility of the article.
  3. Reviewers must notify the editorial board of writing errors, so they are immediately forwarded to the author for correction.
  4. All information about the manuscript is kept confidential.
  5. Any information that may be the reason for a publication rejection must be communicated to the editor.
  6. Any observed conflict of interest during the review must be communicated to the editor.

Peer Review Process

Critical Island Studies employs a single-blind peer review process, the reviewers know the author’s identity, but the author is unaware of the reviewer’s identity.

  1. Initial screening. All submissions are initially screened by the editorial team for their conformity to conference’s scope and basic submission requirements and checked for plagiarism (Turnitin). Manuscripts that fail to abide by our ethical standards are immediately rejected, as are manuscripts that do not fit within the conference’s scope.
  2. Reviewer assignment. Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are then handed over to Reviewer Coordinator, who will select at least two relevant reviewers and initiate the peer review process.
  3. Peer review. During this stage, a reviewer will assess the content of the manuscript and provide its recommendation to the editorial team.
  4. First decision. Once both (or more) reviewers have submitted their recommendations, the manuscript is either rejected, asked for revisions (minor or major), or accepted as is. If it is accepted, the manuscript is returned to the submitting author for proofreading. The final decision to accept the manuscript is made by the Conference Committee based on the recommendation of the Reviewer Coordinator.
  5. Revision. A manuscript that requires revisions is returned to the submitting author, who will have up to four weeks to revise the manuscript. Once the revision is submitted, it is once again assessed by the Reviewer Coordinator to determine whether the changes are adequate and appropriate, as well as whether the author(s) sufficiently responded to the reviewers’ comments and suggestions. If the revisions are deemed to be inadequate, this step is repeated (the manuscript is returned to the submitting author once more for further revision).
  6. Final decision. Finally, the revised manuscript is either accepted or rejected, depending on whether the Reviewer Coordinator has found the manuscript to have been improved to a level worthy of publication. If the author(s) are unable to make the required changes or have done so to a degree below our standards, the manuscript is rejected.

If you have a problem, you can submit it by email